Wednesday, October 27, 2010

teth part 3, the last stand

The droids broke through blaster fire was fly all over clones and droids failing allover.  As fast as it happened it was over, all I new that I was ingerd, then I say Rex take a shot at the droid commander, then he was pick up by the force (that's what I though) then he gave away General Skywalker and Commander Tano, then he was thrown on to a the wall.  After about half an hour I made contact with Captain Rex asked if he was alright then we had plain.

We got up and attacked the droids took their blasters and ran to the AT-TE there was 6 of us. In the AT-TE there was a mortar gun, flame thrower, and a couple of our blaster rifle, we lasted about half hour.  Then Obi-wan Kenobi, Commander Cody, and the rest of the 212nd saved us.  None of the us the 6 of us survived Captain Rex, me Sergent Coric, Ged, Del, Zeer, I did like to say more of 501st boys.

After the battle Commander Cody and Captain Rx was talking for awhile, they were talking about the battle how we should have used the air force, and commandos or ARC troopers to save the huttlet.  Then we pack up and left to Tatooine to pick up our General so we left

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

teth part 2, the temple

Well we where guarding the temple General Skywalker contacted Captain Rex, saying that he needed a back pack for the huttlet.  So I delved the back pack I had to run thou the temple to the storage senator then I saw them standing at the end of the hall and I give them the back pack.

As we were guarding, vulture droids came out of no were, the the landing craft landed the droids such as, super battle droids, battle droids, and dwarf spider walkers, came out at full charge firing away killing over half of our men and the last AT-TE.  We fell back to the temple, as we got in we guarded it, as General Skywalker and commander Tano and R2-D2 tried to find away out.

teth part 1, the cliff

When we came out of hyperspace and loaded on the laat/i also know as gunships, we where told the plane, that we where to save Jabba the hut's son, Rotta, that we had to besiege a temple on a cliff and is heaved graded by battle droids and that we had to clam up the cliff to besiege it, and we had to do it in one day.  ''Red light stand by,'' said one trooper, then,''green light go go.''

When we landed a spray of fire from the top of the cliff, we started to clime the cliff with plasma bolts flying all over, the I heard, boom an AT-TE (All Terran Techno Enforcer) went down.  The battle lasted about ten minutes when we got to the top all the droids were distored.

Then we entered the temple, the care taker droid showed, we slammed it on a well we talked for a few minutes then we where told to guarded the area, so we did.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

christophsis part 2, the sheld genartor

Before I know it I was told to go to the battlefield, then I saw it, it look like a red glowing dome, then I remembered the Sep com, I was told to hide, so i did.  I was hiding then dome came over, I came out of hiding and opened fire on the spds and tines, and I saw General Obi-wan Kenobi, charging toward the  army of droids and that was the last is saw him.

Then Boom, a missile  it hit a building that was full of clone gunners, but yet some survived I heard Captain Rex yelled at them to get out of there so they did.  then is was told to fall back to the big guns. after a few minutes I got there.  There was already troopers there so i joined them, I opened fire at the mass of droids, tanks, and what ever they had.  After wale it felt like forever the shield generator was destroyed.  I yelled ''shield down, they've lost their shield.'' and it was over we won.

After the me and other troopers were listening to Commander Asoka Tano, tell the story how she took down the shield generator and saved General Skywalker, she said ''There was a hole in the wall so I pulled down the wall destroying all the droids,'' we all laughed. Then I got a message in my HUD it said that we where to enter the Jedi cruiser, because we where headed ti Teth for another battle in this never ending war.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

christophsis part 1, the begining

I'm clone Sergeant and medic Coric.  I was giving clone trooper Gad bacta, and I was also taking with my clone captain Rex when it heaped.  Whoop-whoop, then my captain running toward the Jedi generals  and I finished patching up Gad, then I grabbed my DC-15 blaster and I joined the others of the 501st.

Then we fallowed Jedi General Anakin Skywalker into an alley it got dark so we put on our nightvison.  We entered  building and ran up stairs, then we got to the top and assembled.  Then Rex notice Gad the wounded trooper, he said he was o.k..  Then Gad asked General Skywalker ''What's the plane of attack sir.'' he replied ''Fallow me.'' then he jumped off, so we ache cables toe the building and jumped.

When we landed on the ground I was in  a storm on battle droids and super battle droids, or know as tines and spds, I was blasting all the droids in my way I shot down 20 or 30 droids, and use up 10 or 15 clips in droids.  then I herd in my Sep chatter and listened, General Whorm Loasthsom say ''all droids fall back and sit up our deflector shield.'' I didn't think much about it, about the shield generator, then I should have.